Possible Link to Joint and Muscle Pain in Women Due to Loss of Estrogen During Menopause.

I ran across is article in The New York Times , written by Danielle Friedman few weeks ago. I have been sharing it through conversations with clients, but thought this would be another fantastic way to get the word out! It is a great article discussing the symptoms of an orthopedic surgeon, Dr. Vonda Wright. She began having joint and muscle pain in her 40s during peri menopause which lead to a decrease in her ability to remain active a significant increase in pain. The article discusses how this could be related to a loss of estrogen during peri menopause and menopause. The link to the article is below, check it out if you are interested! Let’s support women throughout their lives and as they age! Share this with someone who may be going through peri menopause or menopause. Reliable health resources are crucial for women at any age.


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